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Wooden dumbbell IPO

Wooden dumbbells IPO or training

It's a classic: you throw and the dogs brings. Some dogs get enough of it! These blocks are a great way to develop a bond with your dog and to train and exercise. The dumbbells are also used in the official IPO competitions.

In the IPO or dog sport, obedience is tested with retrieve exercises. Specific types of wooden dumbbells are used for these exercises, depending on the program. In the IPO-1 program, the exercises are done with the lightest blocks: 650 gram. For the IPO-2 program, a 650 gram block is used for the jumps, and 1 kg of a block for the retrieve work. The IPO-3 program should be done with a 650 gram block in the jumps and 2 kg for retrieval. These blocks are made for the IPO program. But they can also be used to teach your dog at home to retrieve or to fetch.

To learn and to train these exercises to your dog, we offer different types of dumbbells. There are sifferent blocks with different types of spacers. You can choose between round or oval, with rounded corners or a plastic spacer. With the new generation dumbbells, you can compose your own dumbbell. All the pieces that are available separately here at Euro Joe. If your dog needs that little extra help, you can also order a burlap cover here. This cover can do wonders for the motivation of your dog!

Wooden dumbbells for dog

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